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Evaluation Comments from Participants

"The setup and execution was great! I am very excited to identify improvements we can start implementing. ."

Randi Westbrook

Director of Business Services & Operations

Frankston ISD

June 2023

"I liked the collaboration and being in small groups. Everything was well organized and thought out." 

--Participant from CNA

Everman ISD

May 2022

"The entire process was efficiently designed. I appreciated the pace and the content."

Dr. Austin Smith, Director of Secondary Education

Everman ISD

May 2022

"The collaboration among administrators, parents, and other staff in the district worked great."

Angela Shine, Asst. Principal

Mineola ISD

June 2022

The process you used was great for drawing out the answers and expertise of the administrators participating in the training.

--Scott Fisher, Principal

Longview ISD

July 2019

The comprehensive needs assessment process was helpful and informative.  Glenda has created a system that is easy to understand for all stakeholders that participate in district planning process. 

--Kelly Moore, Superintendent

Union Grove ISD

February 2019

"I loved the experience of putting different features of Zoom into action, especially the breakout groups, and I enjoyed the collaboration among us. It was very effective and engaging for all. Honestly, I believe it was even more productive than face to face sessions." 

                                                                                               -- Zahra Mirazimi, Interventionist                                                  Nacogdoches ISD                                                                May 2020

Spending the day working on comprehensive needs assessment with Glenda was extremely beneficial to the stakeholders involved and helped us to hone in on the strengths and needs of our district. Many were surprised by the amount of data that must be examined to make meaningful decisions. The process has since been implemented at the campus level. 

--Jennifer Johnston, Assistant Superintendent

Rains ISD

February 2019

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