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Grant Writing Services
provided by Glenda Hinsley

Research, consultation, budget planning, and grant-writing services are provided at a flat rate.  Once awarded, ongoing support for implementation, documentation, audit assistance, and compliance reporting are provided.

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Virtual Academy for Federal Program Directors
provided by Glenda Hinsley

Access monthly updates, DUE dates, checklists, templates, surveys, and more provided by H&A to help you stay on top of grant requirements. Technical support is provided remotely by email, phone, zoom, or text 24/7. 


Join FREE Trial to check it out!

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Campus Support 
presented by Glenda Hinsley

NEW! for 2024-2025

Campus Support is designed for Principals of Title I, Part A campuses. Monthly campus-level checklists and templates are provided, including the campus-level CNA/CIP. See the Campus Support webpage for a list of monthly topics to be covered.

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Grant & Audit Support for CFOs
provided by Glenda Hinsley

Technical assistance, budget and fiscal planning, audit support, documentation, and program guidance are provided for CFOs, districts without a program director, new program directors, or anyone in charge of grants and special programs.

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Fiscal & Documentation REVIEW
(on-site technical assistance)
provided by Glenda Hinsley

A review of grants budgets, payroll, time-and-effort, policies, documentation and more will assist you in putting systems in place to ensure your staff are implementing effective programs and meeting requirements.

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(on-site technical assistance)
provided by Glenda Hinsley

Assistance in planning and developing a thorough Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) will ensure stakeholders are involved and committed to your improvement efforts.  Includes a review of documentation to meet Title I requirements.

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